Monday, December 30, 2013

Improving Your Email Conversion Rates

For any company to stay above the rest, documenting metrics is crucial. Conversion rates are a proven method of keeping track of potential sales versus lost sales. During any email blitz, gauge how many recipients you begin with versus how many eventually click through to your website, and then how many of those continue on to make a purchase. This should give you an idea of what you're doing wrong.

Friday, December 20, 2013

How to ease anxiety over Google updates

Matt Cutts, head of Google's Webspam team, recently spoke at PubCon 2013 where he said "Google is trying to figure out answers; we are trying to organize the world's information, make it universally accessible and useful."

Google does a few things better than anyone else in the world: It provides users with relevant, easily-accessible information through emerging search technology, innovates through moonshot thinking that revolutionizes how we use technology to improve our lives, and gives digital marketers anxiety on a regular basis.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Here Are Over 60 Things You Can Say To Google Now


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Google Trends Becomes More Intelligent

Google gives the examples of “rice” and “Gwyneth Paltrow”. With the new reports, it can distinguish between rice (the food) and Rice University, and it can include common misspellings of Paltrow’s name as part of the report for that query.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Google Just Upped the Digital Analytics Ante, Yet Again


I have to admit, with all the amazing updates Google Analytics (GA) keeps pushing out, the past few years have felt a bit like the seven years of mobile, "This is the best analytics feature enhancement ever!" "No, this is!" No, this is!" - you get the point. But I have to say, after getting my hands dirty with the most recent updates to Advanced Segments in Google Analytics, this just introduced a whole new yard stick for all other digital analytics tools to be up against.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tips for Taking Twitter Content Marketing to the Next Level


When Twitter first came around, many people were unsure what the social media website could do for business. It didn't take long to discover that Twitter's format is tailor-fit for B2B and B2C marketing, which is perhaps why it is second to LinkedIn as being the most used social media network for content marketing today. Twitter is a godsend for those who've been looking for an easy to use, accessible network for content distribution, and it's gaining more and more users as the days go by.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Foundations of Building an SEO-Friendly Website From the Beginning


Similar to building a house, when developing a website there are needs and there are wants. This could include the design and user experience, as well as the content tone and architecture. For the last 15 years most companies have developed sites without SEO strategies in place, which has negatively impacted their brand's findability and performance.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The fallout from a brand's fake Twitter hack


Following the legitimate hacking of two companies' Twitter accounts this spring, a string of copycats have jumped on the bandwagon with fake attacks. First, MTV and BET pretended to take over each other's Twitter accounts in February, and in July, Chipotle tricked users into thinking hackers had broken into its Twitter account with a string of nonsensical messages.
If blogs and online media coverage are any indication, the ploy worked. Chipotle representative Chris Arnold has declared the company's stunt a win, saying the fake hack "was definitely thought out" as part of Chipotle's 20th anniversary promotion. On the day Chipotle posted 20 "hacked" tweets, the company added 4,000 new followers to its Twitter account -- significantly more than its typical daily average of 250.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

5 ways brands win (or lose) with real-time marketing


Call it the way the Oreo crumbles. Ever since the popular cookie brand hijacked the Super Bowl conversation with a timely tweet that rocketed around the internet, digital has had a serious crush on real-time marketing. (For different reasons, some have also had a serious crush on real-time bidding, but that's a different topic with a confusingly similar name


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

5 Myths (and Truths) About Big Data


"Big data" has become a catchall term for the vast amount of information generated by our digital lifestyles, and the analytics techniques for dealing with it all to improve marketing, products, and business intelligence. It's become very fashionable to decry the value of "big data" for marketing, with many pundits and consultants calling it "no big deal."
I believe in "big data" just like I believe in the power of all data to transform our lives. Just look at the powerful applications already emerging in healthcare, world hunger, global economics, and even for those for whom hockey is more important than life itself, sport competiveness.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Make Sure You've Got Quality Content

What should you do if you think your site might be affected by Google's Panda algorithm? And what types of content get impacted negatively by Panda? That is the topic of a recent video featuring Google's Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts.
That first gives is a bit of a primer on how Panda rolled out previously and how it currently is rolling out into the search algorithm.
"So Panda is a change that we rolled out, at this point a couple years ago, targeted towards lower quality content. And it used to be that roughly every month or so, we would have a new update. And we would say, OK, there's something new, there's a launch, we've got new data, let's refresh the data.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Google Webmaster Tools Alters How It Selects Sample Links

Google announced on Thursday that it has made a change to how it decides what links to show webmasters when they push the “Download more sample links” button. The feature typically shows about 100,000 backlinks.
“Until now, we’ve selected those links primarily by lexicographical order,” explains Yinnon Haviv, a software engineer with Google’s Webmaster Tools team. “That meant that for some sites, you didn’t get as complete of a picture of the site’s backlinks because the link data skewed toward the beginning of the alphabet.”

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Whats Future For Your Site?


I was recently asked how to make sure that each link you build (however you do it) remains a safe one — and I have to say that I truly had no idea how to answer that. A few years back, my answer would have been different than it is today. Remember when we all said that any free link was a good link?
Today, things are more tricky. How can you do the best job possible at judging a site that isn’t an authority? And what about those pesky little new sites that are happy to link out but aren’t yet established? How can you tell what the future holds for them? In this post, I’ll focus on analyzing those sites, as this is much trickier than analyzing sites that have a defined presence and backlink profile.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Here’s A New Panda Video From Matt Cutts

Google has released a new Webmaster Help video about the Panda update. Matt Cutts responds to a user-submitted question asking how she will know whether her site is hit by Panda since Google has integrated it into its normal indexing process, and if her site was already hit, how will she know if she has recovered?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Handy Guide to Deleting Digital Accounts


If you’ve ever tried deleting a bunch of your Web accounts, I probably don’t have to tell you that it’s a huge pain.
Some attempts require searching the website for tiny “Help” text, scanning online support forums, clicking the “Are you sure?” button three times, or calling customer support. Then — just when you think you’re out — you’ll continue to get emails from the company, like an ex that won’t get the hint.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Study Shows No Clear Evidence That Google+ Drives Ranking

At SMX Advanced, I presented results from a study we had done that convinced me that links in shares from Google Plus and Facebook behave like traditional web-based links. My statements at SMX Advanced were later disputed by Matt Cutts during his keynote interview by Danny Sullivan, leading to a live discussion — Matt even invited me up on stage during the keynote:

Monday, September 23, 2013

Google Ad Sense


Starting today, site owners using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocol can add AdSense ad units to their pages.
Google has updated the AdSense ad code to support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) used by many sites including ecommerce, financial services and social networking sites to protect sensitive information like passwords, payment information and financial and medical information

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bing Gains


 This evening Microsoft announced and has started to roll out a range of new features for Bing — some cosmetic, some more structural. Prominent among them is a new logo and identity, which is symbolic of Bing’s deeper integration across the Microsoft’s products and devices.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Internet Users Increasingly Worried About Privacy

  Half of Internet users (50%) say they are worried about the amount of personal information about them that is online—a figure that has jumped from 33% who expressed such worry in 2009, according to a recent report from the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project


Top Cell Phone Activity


Our phones may be smarter than ever, but the most popular activity most Americans use them for is pretty simple — to send SMS messages. That tops the list of cell phone activities for 2013, according to a new study released by Pew Internet.
The study, conducted in April and May of this year and involving over 2,000 adults, asked about various activities. Texting topped the list, followed by accessing the internet, doing email, downloading apps, getting directions and more.

Friday, September 20, 2013

5 PPC Reputation Management Tips (Including Twitter)


 Search engine reputation management issues come in many forms including: short-term, news-driven and longer-term SERP pollution, brand/company name, and those affecting product name. The diversity of reputation management issues and the fact that often the SERP in question isn't exclusively for the brand search alone, but may also include the words "reviews," "ratings," "testimonial," or industry terms. Because reputation management issues come in all flavors, the proper strategy varies. Certainly for any long-term SERP pollution issues, an SEO strategy makes the most sense, but SEO often takes time, so PPC search can provide a temporary fix, even in scenarios where a long-term solution must be SEO-driven.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Google Trends


The first addition is an update to the Top Charts that was unveiled back in May. At the time, Google said that its top charts would show you the top searches by region for categories like actors, animals, sports and more. The new feature – Trending Top Charts – adds the option to see the top trending searches in each category.
As an example, here’s the Top Chart for animals. You can clearly see that dogs are the most searched topic overall in the animal category

Future of Local Search: 5 Layers of Local

Local search is broken. To improve your local search strategy for both now and the future, you need to understand the growing importance of local data, personalization, emerging technologies, new transaction methods, and delivery